Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 2013 K Poems

"A happiness that is sought for ourselves alone can
never be found: for a happiness that is diminished
by being shared is not big enough to make us happy."
--Thomas Merton

“Love seeks one ting only: the good of the one loved.
It leaves all the other secondary effects to take care
of themselves. Love, therefore, is its own reward.”

What was I thinking?

I was higher than high.
I was wiser than wise
and I wound up in handcuffs
almost every time
at the end of my drinking
it didn’t start out that way
what was I thinking to continue
from one drunk tank to another?

Why was The Lord so good to me?

I’m feeding the turtles
got nothing on my mind
the days spent in drunk tanks
are very far behind.
Many who I knew that
were out there like me didn’t make it
why was The Lord so good to me?

If you let it

It don’t take love to do something stupid.
It don’t take love to get in trouble.
It don’t take love to wind up in jail.
It don’t take love to have no one to pay your bail,
but love just might keep you out of these situations
if you let it.

I could be dead.

I could be a convict.
I could be just about
anything but me,
but I’m not
and I’m  glad I made
it through the wilderness
with my mind and body intact.

The turtle eats

and then spends
the rest of his
time trying to
get out of
the feeding bowl;
back and forth
he goes pushing
his nose up against
the walls of the container.

How many billions will satisfy you?

They killed the Indians
and they’re still killing folk
in the name of making a buck.
We could be driving electric cars
we could have better public transportation
but the oil companies would rather
see our kids lose their life and limbs
in The Middle East.

I'm just a schmuck

Marianne Williamson gets far more likes than me.
Her page is way more professional than mine.
I bet she makes a living of off selling her books.
I'm just a schmuck.
I'm just a schmuck.

Parental Lesson #1 To My Dad

Don’t tell your son or daughter to fight
if you’re not even going to teach them
how to make a fist.

Don’t tell your son or daughter to fight
if you’re not even going to show them
how to punch.

And don’t call them good for nothing if they lose.

Nobody needs the sheriff when things are going well

Nobody needs  a sheriff when we’re out cutting the lawn.
Nobody needs a sheriff when you’re seated down to dinner
with the family.
Nobody needs a sheriff when you’ve only got a little bit
of marijuana left.
The Real K

Super K
Mr. K
Dear K:
Extra Special K


This ole world is a county fair

This ole world is a county fair.
There’s something to do over here
there’s something to do over there.
You can ride the ride of life
you can ride the ferris wheel.
You can look at your fellow women
and men; you can look at a pig
that’s trying to win a contest.

This old world is a county fair.
Sometimes it’s fun, some times
it’s unfair like a carny that’s having you
shoot basketballs at a hoop that is too small.

This old world is a country fair.
Sometimes, I don’t shave in the morning.

Done being here

Where will the crow go
when he is done doing
what he does in my trees?

Where will the butterfly travel
when it moves out of my carport?

Where will that bumblebee go
when he leaves my front porch?

Where does anything go
when it’s done being here?

There’s a terrorist

There’s a terrorist in your underpants.
There’s a terrorist in your popcorn.
There’s a terrorist in your school
and in your home.
There’s a terrorist next to you in traffic.
There’s a terrorist pressing your suit.

This ain’t no country song

I’m not a redneck.
I don’t drive a truck.
I don’t drink beer.
I don’t eat much fried chicken.
I love my country,
but I don’t sing about it
in a country song.
This ain’t no country song, son.
This ain’t no country song.
And I ain’t no singer
in a country band.
No sir, this ain’t no country song.

Somebody is looking for a fight.

It’s going to be alright.
I put that bottle down
over two decades ago.

The broke coke smoker

Hey, who drank all the cokes?
Hey, who smoked all the smokes?
It ain’t no joke. I’m a chain smoking,
coke guzzling bloke and, now, I’m broke.

He needed a new ticker

cuz he kept getting sicker
and sicker. He needed a
new liver cuz he drank
too much liquor.

Retirement Plan

I need a hammer.
I need a nail.
I need a dollar
for every thought
that I’ve ever had.


She was a small woman
with big boobs. She refused
to let her boobs define her.

Let’s do this

You can stare at the blank page
or you can type something onto it.
You can’t wait for the muse;
the muse may never come.

And he wasn’t Humpty Dumpty

He is but bits and pieces of himself.
Nobody could put him back together.

I'm a boob man

I'm an ass man.
I'm a leg man.
I'm into her smile man.
If she didn't have
a heart and a soul
I wouldn't give a damn
about her boobs, her ass,
her legs, man.

Days like today
are the reward
we get for putting up
with all the summer rain.

There’s a date

My brother’s dying.
My parents are dead.
I was the one with the drinking problem.
I was the one who could never find his place.
I went from here to there
with no purpose in mind.
Never had a career.
Never kept a job.

There is a date on that calendar
and it’s waiting for you.
There’s a date on that calendar
and it’s waiting for me.

I’ve walked away from love.
I’ve gotten into fights that I was sure to lose.
I’ve blacked out, been bailed out,
told God that if he got me out of jail
I’d never drink again; went back to the bar
as soon as I got out, again and again.

There is a date on that calendar
and it’s waiting for you.
There’s a date on that calendar
and it’s waiting for me.

The only chip I had was the one on my shoulder,
but then something happened as I got older.
I had kids and it was either sober up and be a dad
or continue to be some sort of joke.
You might not believe in God, but he saved me.

There is a date on that calendar
and it’s waiting for you.
There’s a date on that calendar
and it’s waiting for me.

Somewhere down the line

It never occurred to me
that God would bring to me
a girl like you.
It never occurred to me
that another person
could make me happy.
It never occurred to me
that normal could be fine,
but that’s what happened
to me somewhere down the line.

Rock and roll

Rock and roll
grab the wheel
we got no idea
where we’re going
but we’re going
to get there
it’s something
you can feel.

Rock and roll.
Rock and roll.
Ain’t no rules.
We just do
what we want
to do.

Rock and roll
can you feel
my rock and roll.
Come on
we got to go.

Rock and roll.
Rock and roll.
Ain’t no rules.
We just do
what we want
to do.

A smile out of you

I got nothing
but I want it all.
I got nothing
willing to take
a fall to make it.
I can’t fake it
I want to make it
at any cost;
all I lost
I paid my dues
you’d think
my time was due
but I can’t even
get a smile
out of you.

Can’t get a smile
out of you. Don’t
know what I’m
supposed to do.

If it was up to you

If it was up to you
I wouldn’t have
a pot to piss in.
If it was up to you
I would have never
followed my dreams.
If it was up to you
I’d be good for nothing.
Good thing it ain’t up to you.

Gutteral moan more a scream

was the last thing the chicken did
before they killed it and you fed it
to your kids.
I keep going backwards
trying to go forward.
I keep going down
when I try to go up.
They went to work each day knowing they could,
one day, retire. They ever made it; never knew
they didn't make it. Some asshole showed up at
their job with three guns and killed them while
they were just living another day.
Don’t seem fair that this can happen in the
good Ole USA

It’s yours when I die

Got this electric guitar
I know how to tune it
but that’s about as far
as I’ve gotten;
know a few chords
but the rest of what
I play sounds rotten.
When I die it will go
to the kid.

We don’t know where

we’re going, but we’re
going there in a hurry.
We’re like a batter up
with the count 3-2.

You could be here

one minute, and
gone the next, so
try to enjoy every
second that you have.

Going down the highway

picture of my girlfriend
on the dashboard. She
left, late last night, and I ain’t
going back, neither.
I’m just driving down
this long dark highway
following the white lines
wherever they go.
I don’t know where I’m going
but I’ll know when I get there.
I don’t remember what
the argument was about,
but I know that it was a deal
breaker. We both said things
that shouldn’t have been said,
things that can’t be taken back,
things that can’t be apologized for.
I’m just driving down
this long dark highway
following the white lines
wherever they go

I’m a real nice guy, but

I’m a real nice guy
but I like to get drunk
and when I get drunk
it puts all around me
in a funk.
I’m a real nice guy
but I’m more familiar
with the inside of
the drunk tank
than I am the inside of
the church.
I’m a real nice guy.
I’m a real nice guy,
but when I blackout
you don’t want to be about.

You don’t need to be peculiar

to attract attention. You’ve
worked your bootie, now work
you mind. We’ve seen your behind
now let’s see your brain.

I love you(for Joan).

I love you in the kitchen.
I love you in the living room.
I love you in the basement.
I love you in the front yard.
I love you in the back yard.
I love you in your studio.
I love you in the bathroom.
I love you in the bedroom.
I love you.

The only things that haven’t changed

It must be terrible
to have been
kind of good looking
when you were young
and, now, be so ugly when
you’re old.
You were a cunt then,
and you’re a cunt now,
are the only things that
haven’t changed.